Too many music lovers don’t protect their ears. We’re here to tell you that you must and how ear protection will benefit your music experience, too!
Every few years we do a recap on hearing protection, and each time we take a slightly different approach introducing the topic. Most recently, I discussed how hearing loss is permanent and how easily it can occur. Previously, Grant recounted his personal experience with earplugs. Today, we will approach this in tandem with the World Health Organization‘s World Hearing Day initiative.
This year’s World Hearing Day focuses on removing the stigma and shame around hearing loss and hearing protection. This is important because I know so many ravers who don’t wear earplugs because “they don’t look cool, man!” Not only is this a lame argument, but it’s also total BS. I’m an experienced raver as well as a harm reduction advocate and over the years I’ve never, not even once, heard anyone make fun of someone wearing earplugs! I’ve heard complaints about comfort or sound, but never anything that made them “uncool.”
So, let’s tackle the comfort and sound. Many people who have tried earplugs at events have had negative experiences with comfort, sound, or both. Most of the time, this is because they’ve only used the disposable, foam earplugs. In a pinch, these are super helpful, but they aren’t always comfortable and are certainly not high-fidelity. This means that sound becomes “muffled” instead of being effectively reduced in volume. Imagine listening to your favorite music with a fishbowl over your head; it’s kinda like that. The other comfort issue often involves earplugs that don’t fit well.

Taking it from the top, let’s talk about custom-fit ear protection.
Nothing beats custom-fit ear protection. Full stop. However, this choice is also the most expensive option available. But if you are a raver that goes to even a single show a month, especially indoors, these practically pay for themselves. You’ll spend somewhere in the $200 range and get the ultimate in comfort, fit, and sound quality – and they should last you around five years. Amortizing the price over that time – isn’t $40/year worth it to be sure you’ll still hear all this amazing music in the future?
Our choice for custom earplugs is, and always has been, 1of1custom. The process is simple but does have a few steps. First, order your selection online. We recommend the PRO17 for just the right level of decibel reduction for electronic music. Second, get a mold of your ears. 1of1custom provides a list of their own offices and partners that take impressions, and if you aren’t in those cities, you can get this done by a local audiologist or ENT. Third, send in the impressions and get your earplugs!

Why pick the custom solution?
Well, I mentioned comfort and fit above, and poor fit is the top reason people don’t wear the earplugs they already own. Next is “seal,” meaning there’s no gap around the earplugs for “noise bleed.” This is the reason many earplugs just don’t give quality sound.
Most earplugs have a filter in them, and if any sound gets in around the filter, it can completely ruin the experience and even leave your hearing in as much danger as without them. My favorite thing about custom earplugs is simple: amazing sound, comfortable fit, and even hearing someone trying to talk to me better than without them.

You can still find quality options at a lower price, and EARPEACE is a terrific option.
If you don’t want to spend the money on customs, many options are available, and the most common is the rubber “stack of cones.” These can be found everywhere, and there are countless brands, but they don’t all offer the same quality. In fact, many options are low-cost knockoffs of a few brand names, and they aren’t generally that much cheaper, so it’s worth going with one of the well-respected brands.
EARPEACE is in this category, and its options have a few distinctions that set them apart. The first thing you’ll notice about these is that there are two “cones” where many models have three. The two-cone option is notably more comfortable for many users, but this depends on fit. There are two categories for music: MUSIC at $29.95 and MUSIC PRO at $39.95; the key difference is the better seal with the PRO model. At first glance, they look identical, but the PRO model is slightly oblong instead of round and has small ridges – both of which result in a better seal and more comfort as well. EARPEACE is available on Amazon.
Users of EARPEACE also really like the streamlined carrying case. While you might think a carrying case has nothing to do with better protection, it actually does! This is because you need to make sure you actually bring your earplugs to your events or you cn’t use them. Friends clip theirs onto their fanny back or shoulder sling and never forget them. The clip isn’t all that unique, but the slim case is. And then there’s a bonus – the bottom of the case has a semi-secret compartment holding a third earplug. Especially useful for those of you prone to dropping and losing them.

Eargasm is a crowd favorite in the festival and club scene, with many options at a similar price.
With a pricepoint of $43.95, the high fidelity options offered by Eargasm have been popular in the scene for years. Whether it’s the creative name or product availability, these are the non-custom options I see most out in the wild. Eargasms use the “stacked cone” design with a high-fidelity filter inside, making for a quality product. Sound quality is solid, and they also come in a smaller size for those where standard fit can be an issue.
The eargasm case is squat and wide compared to the longer and slim EARPEACE case, making getting them in and out a little easier. And the case comes with a keyring style loop that can be used to attach to other items, or easily accommodate a clip-style attachment as well.
Eargasm is supporting World Hearing Day with a 10% discount using code WHD10 from March 3-5 and a free foam ear plug giveaway. You can get free foam earplugs on their website or Instagram from March 3-5. “On World Hearing Day, Eargasm wants everyone to remember that appreciating sound is just as vital as preserving our hearing faculties. Let’s work together to spread the word about the benefits and many uses for ear protection,” says Ryan Parry, Founder and CEO of Eargasm. These earplugs are also available on Amazon.

If you want an extra fashionable option, consider Loop Earplugs.
Loop Earplugs have taken on a specific “niche within a niche” by targeting those who know they need protection and want to look cool as well. Loop Earplugs, which are available on Amazon as well, do an admirable job managing sound while focusing on a style and look that appeals to many. The “loop” portion of the earplug is visible to others and you can choose from many color options including shiny ones like gold. The Experience model line is perfect for music events.
A notable drawback to the Loop option is that the loop doesn’t fit everyone’s ears, which is very important. When I reviewed these previously, they fit me perfectly, but a friend with smaller ears couldn’t keep them in comfortably. Since these fit me, the Quiet line is my earplug of choice for sleeping at festivals since the loop sits flush and doesn’t interfere with my preferred side-sleeper position.

If all else fails, at least grab some disposable foam earplugs.
When music lovers complain about muffled sound, it’s usually because they were using either foam earplugs or one of the hundreds of low priced “stacked cone” style options that probably don’t have a high fidelity filter. However, muffled sound is still better than losing your hearing. Please remember that hearing is objectively a finite resource. The more you subject your ears to sounds over 85 dB, the faster you’ll lose your hearing. The only way around this is to protect your ears.
If you are at a festival, or outdoors, and way in the back, you may be able to get away without any protection. But the sound levels will be too high to go without protection anywhere in a club or the heart of an outdoor venue. And if you are a bass zombie up front to feel the speakers, you get the point! And the best things about the foam option is that you can find them everywhere, they are inexpensive, and the take up very little space.
I personally toss a handful of the foam earplugs into my carry bag to give to others who need them. And every one of them thanks me. No one has ever complained about the muffled sound, and their future selves can rest assured knowing they can continue to rave to the grave without losing their hearing!
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