XTRAX STEMS separates any song into vocals, instruments, drums, and bass, and we’ve partnered with Audionamix to give away a 12 month license.
Any DJ knows the struggle of trying to find an a capella version of a song you want to use in your sets. While there are a few resources out there to find vocals, what if there was a program that could reverse engineer and separate any song? That’s exactly what XTRAX Stems by Audionamix does.
Audionamix previously won the “Companies 2 Watch” award at Amsterdam Dance Event 2019. They are poised to make a massive impact on the future of the music industry. Their latest program, XTRAX Stems, is an exciting product that does the impossible: it takes ANY song and separates it into separate channels.
The versatile software has several separation options available on the home screen. First, simply drag an audio file into the program. Next, choose your separation option. Songs can be split into “4 Stems,” a setting that creates four different tracks for vocals, drums, bass, and other remaining sounds.
There are also other choices that focus on a specific element of the arrangement: “Acapella,” “Backing,” “Drums,” and “Bass.” These settings will output two tracks: one of the specific sound you selected and one of everything else. This gives XTRAX STEMS virtually endless creative possibilities in both DJing and music production.

XTRAX features a user-friendly interface and allows for fine-tuning in the individual mixes.
With the “de-bleed” feature, each individual track can either have more or less noise added from the rest of the tune. While the separated channels don’t always sound perfect, this function allows you to change the mix of each track to taste. The program also has a simple exporting feature which includes many options and formats.
Audionamix is an award-winning company with an incredibly innovative product. XTRAX STEMS is powered by advanced AI that utilizes neural networks and machine learning, and algorithms are updated regularly. It’s a game-changing, futuristic software, and we’ve teamed up with them to give away a full year of XTRAX for free so you can try it yourself.
Enter to win a 12 month license to XTRAX STEMS below, watch the program in action on YouTube, and follow Audionamix to stay up-to-date on the latest news about XTRAX!
Win One 12 Month License to XTRAX STEMS by Audionamix