Are you ready to party it up at EDC Las Vegas this year? Check out this info from Insomniac’s Medical Team ahead of the show so you’re in the know!
While artists are stewing about their upcoming sets, production team members put together the remaining stages and installations, and attendees begin their pilgrimage to Sin City, Insomniac‘s Medical Team is also bustling and hard at work. Preparing for the largest edition of EDC Las Vegas yet, they’ve been working nonstop to make sure that they’re prepared for anything that could happen over the weekend.
Over the past few years, the health and safety of festival attendees has been a hot topic of discussion and something that Insomniac continues to expand on. Whether it has been assisting those who might be battling a chronic illness, exploring new ways to educate attendees on harm reduction, or making strides in other areas, they have been leaders while also keeping everyone dancing along the way.
Aside from the roaming members of Ground Control and paramedics, Insomniac has also helped develop Project #OpenTalk that aims to provide drug and sexual health information along with a safe space for those seeking emotional support. This project has been crucial in helping educate attendees and truly making a positive change in the scene.
Ahead of EDC Las Vegas this weekend, the Insomniac Medical Team wanted to share some important health and safety information that you should know before you head out to the Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Check them out below and read on for some of their team’s top tips to stay safe and have an awesome time under the electric sky this year!
EDC Las Vegas Health & Safety Info:
- Medical care ON-SITE is FREE. We’ve already paid the bill.
- You DO NOT need health insurance to obtain medical assistance ON-SITE.
- Our police officers WILL NOT arrest our guests for seeking medical help or for being under the influence while asking for help.
- We WILL NOT call their parents, unless they want us to. This is an 18+ event.
- They WILL NOT be kicked out of the festival for requesting medical help. In fact, we’re going to get them better and then send them right back to the event. That is, as long as it’s safe to do so.
- One friend CAN accompany them to any of our medical centers, the rest can wait outside and trade off one-by-one. When a patient first enters, the friend will likely be asked to wait until the patient is settled before being allowed to sit next to them.
- We WILL always ensure that guests have a safe ride home.
- If a guest is having a difficult experience at the festival and struggling with a mental health issue, we have trained mental health counselors available inside of main medical as well as inside of the Oasis at Project #OpenTalk.

Advice from members of the Insomniac Medical Team:
“Drink plenty of water, make sure that you stay cool (if you feel too warm). Also please eat a light snack- dancing all night takes a lot of energy. If you are not feeling well, please let someone know right away! Our top priority is to make sure that you are safe and having fun. We want you to go back out as soon as you can to enjoy the party and we will do our best to make sure that happens. Pro tip: write down the phone numbers of your contacts with permanent marker on your arm (or leg)- that way if you cannot find your phone and you are in the medical tent, we can call them and let them know you are with us. The marker will rub off after the show!” – Danica Barron, MD. Emergency Medicine Physician
“Look, I want you to have fun, but let me talk to you from the future, you’re not invincible! I’ve been doing this for a really long time, I’ve treated thousands of festival goers. Please party responsibly, if you don’t know how to party responsibly then don’t party and go to the festival and have a good time. I welcome any of you to come to seek me out in the medical area and ask me questions of what partying too hard does to the body, I’d be more than happy to sit you down and talk.” – Pete Carlo, PA-C – Assistant Medical Director, Electric Daisy Carnival
“Abstinence is always the safest choice. But, if that’s not your choice, make smart decisions. Stay close to people that can look out for you. Stay hydrated. Listen to your body. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, that’s what we’re here for! You can always take more but you can never take less. Start slow and play it safe.” – Kari Herwig, RN
“My biggest piece of advice is to know your limits. In short, just use common sense. For example, if you find something on the ground, for the love of God, don’t swallow it! (This happens far more than you would think.)” – Sean Galt, RN
“Despite music festivals having a zero tolerance policy and implementing strict security measures to keep illegal substances out, people will inevitably make their own personal decisions. It is important for people to realize that each substance is very different and the amount someone takes can make a big difference. If you are unsure of what you are taking, start small and wait. Some of these substances have other chemicals mixed in that can create a lethal combination in high doses. The sickest patients I have seen have been impatient and end up taking too much in a short amount of time because they weren’t feeling anything yet. Be safe and don’t ever hesitate to speak up if you or someone in your group isn’t feeling well.” – Dorothy Habrat, DO
“Staying hydrated and eating is key! Keeping alcohol in moderation would eliminate many of the signs and symptoms we treat.” – Laura Gianola, BSN, RN, EMT-P
“Be aware of your surroundings and who you’re interacting with. Stay hydrated and don’t be afraid to ask for help from staff.” – James Astrero, RN
“My advice is to know yourself and don’t lose sight of you – meaning you are the first line to your own health and safety. So know yourself, your limits, what is safe, and what is not. Which means, don’t just take anything because someone gave it to you. Always have a plan to get back to where you’re staying. Know how to stay hydrated and nourished and when your body needs to be hydrated and nourished. Know you’re loved. Know where you can find us and when to seek us out when you need a reminder of it all.” – Angel Bontigao, RN, BSN, FNP, MSN, PHN
“Stay hydrated, always have a good friend with you, and be honest about what you take. We don’t judge… it just makes it so much easier to help you when we know what you took. We are here for you, the show goer. Without you, there is no us, and we are here to help you.” – Christine Dizon, RN

“Always roam with friends who you trust and will take care of you if anything happens. Set meeting spots whenever someone in your crew gets lost that are away from the stage and easy to find even when it’s dark. Screenshot your friends’ phone numbers and an emergency contact and set it as your lock screen wallpaper in case you lose your phone or if one of the staff needs to contact your friends. Stay well hydrated, be mindful of the people around you, and be socially responsible. Stay out of the sun to avoid dehydration and burns. Don’t consume anything from people you don’t know. If anything feels weird or off to you, report it to a staff member. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. A happy festival community promotes happy festival individuals and everyone has a better experience.” – John Kim, MD
“Drink lots of water and dress for the weather! Don’t take anything from strangers, remember stranger danger! But most of all have fun and enjoy the music!” – Breanna Williams, RN
“First of all, none of us are here to judge anybody. Most of us have done the same things you have but we have caught onto a few things. My advice would be to ALWAYS know what you’re ingesting and never buy things from strangers. Designate a trusted sober person that can watch over you and/or a small group of friends and be able to tell if you or one of your friends are starting to have trouble to get them the medical attention they might need. Thirdly, make sure you drink water. Your body will thank you for it. And lastly, try to not mix substances. This can lead to an adverse reaction which is never fun.” – Brandie Jo, RN
“There will always be another festival, there will never be another you. Stay safe. I’m never one to judge, each person is allowed to experience life in the way they want but I know your friends and family don’t want to experience life without you. Drink water, listen to your body and NEVER be afraid to ask for help.” – K8lin RN