Excision’s inaugural festival Lost Lands is lumbering forth with gargantuan force. It will be an otherworldly setting loaded with dinosaurs, PK Sound, and of course, bass!
We don’t yet know what to fully expect, besides the prospect of earth-shattering, prehistoric immensity. This doesn’t mean we can’t still go on in prepared. Here’s everything you need to know for entering Lost Lands Festival!
Lost Lands Music Festival 2017 Essentials:
Dates: Thursday, September 28 – Sunday, October 1, 2017
Festival Hours: Festival grounds open at 1pm; music begins at 2pm daily
Venue Address: Legend Valley Concert Venue – 7585 Kindle Rd, Thornville, Ohio 43076
Ages: All ages are allowed; 21+ to drink
Tickets: HERE
Facebook Event Page: HERE
Rain or shine, there will be bass.
Please email info@lostlandsfestival.com to arrange accommodation.
Camping: ADA accessible car camping will be located near the music venue entrance.
Music Venue: An ADA accessible viewing area will be located near the stage.
Lost Lands 2017 Set Times:
Lost Lands 2017 Festival and Camping Maps:
Lost Lands 2017 FAQ:
When should I arrive at Lost Lands?
Campers with the Thursday Early Access Pass (recommended) may begin entering Thursday between 12pm and 10pm.
Everyone else may enter beginning Friday when the gates open:
- Thursday – 12pm – 10pm (Early Access Pass required)
- Friday – 8am – 7pm
- Sat – 8am – 7pm
- Sun – 8am – 1pm
When can I move out of my camping spot?
- Saturday 8am – 7pm
- Sunday 8am – 7pm
- Monday – All campers to check out of the campgrounds between 8am and 12pm (noon)
For Safety Reasons, campers and vehicles will only be able to check out of the campgrounds during designated hours. If you would like to leave outside of these hours, please plan ahead and move your vehicle to the Overnight Parking Lot before 7pm the day you plan to leave.
If you need to leave for an emergency, please visit the camp host to escort your car out safely.
Ins and Outs
Guests may freely enter and exit the music venue and campgrounds. Cars and RVs in car camping will not be able to re-enter campgrounds. Cars in the overnight lot may exit and re-enter only once per day.
Not camping?
Grab a Shuttle Pass to ride between Downtown Columbus and Legend Valley all weekend.
We also blocked out some specially discounted rooms for all of our Shuttle Riders, located within 5-10 minutes walking distance from the Shuttle Pickup. Book A Hotel For Lost Lands Here.
All camping is Car Camping, so most cars and RVs will be parked next to their campsite. Car Camping vehicles may not leave the festival until Monday morning at 7am at the earliest.
All other vehicles must purchase a Weekend-Long Overnight Parking Pass and park in the designated lot on the northwest side of the venue. Camping is not allowed here. Cars in this lot may exit and re-enter once per day.
Overnight Parking Lot Hours
The lot will be open at all times beginning 12pm (noon) Thursday through 12pm (noon) Monday.
A Note About Water Bottles:
We at Lost Lands take keeping care of the environment very seriously. We highly encourage all fans to bring an empty reusable water bottle or an empty Camelbak with you inside the festival each day and take advantage of our free water stations located around the grounds.
If you must bring a disposable plastic water bottle with you into the festival grounds, you may enter with a maximum of two (2) bottles with the caps off. It’s much easier and more economical to bring a reusable bottle in with you each day and Mother Earth will thank you!
You may bring as much water as you’d like into the campgrounds, the above rules pertain to the festival grounds only (although we still recommend cutting down on the plastic). More info on recycling incentives and water bottle trade-in programs will become available as the festival gets closer.
Lost Lands is a Leave No Trace Festival.
Lost Lands strongly believes in a Leave No Trace policy when it comes to trash and waste. PLEASE bring plenty of trash bags, avoid things like cases of individual water bottles, pack smart and clean up after yourself everywhere you go. We all share this planet and beautiful venue together and Team Excision WILL reward those who are treating Mother Earth with respect. Only pack and bring in what you are willing to take back out with you. We are serious about this, please don’t leave the festival or campgrounds a mess.
Note About Attire for the Festival
Bring clothing for all temperatures – the nights can be chilly. The average weather this time of year can range from 75°-85°, but temperatures can drop down to the 60’s or even mid 50’s at night. Please come prepared for temperature fluctuations.
How much beer am I permitted to bring into the campgrounds?
- You are allowed to bring up to one case of canned beer per person or a reasonable equivalent and one box of wine or 1 plastic container of wine per person.
- You cannot bring any liquor, any glass bottles, any kegs – keep it simple.
- If security deems an excessive amount of alcohol is being brought into the campgrounds, they may refuse to permit you to enter the grounds or confiscate the excess amount of alcohol.
If you plan to bring alcohol (reasonable amount of beer or wine) into your campsite and have campers under the age of 21, you may only bring enough alcohol for those 21 and over. Furnishing alcohol to minors is a FELONY and local/state law enforcement will be present in the campgrounds. Please party responsibly.
Since liquor is not allowed into the campgrounds, are we allowed to bring wine?
We can only allow box wine or wine in a plastic container into the campgrounds. 1 box per person. All glass bottles will be confiscated.
Lost Lands Festival Rules:
Festival Grounds – Permitted Items
- Reusable water bottles – EMPTY
- Hydration Packs / Camelbaks – EMPTY
- Gum – SEALED
- Single-compartment backpacks (maximum 12“x12“)
- Single-compartment plush backpacks (maximum 12“x12“)
- Purses (maximum 12“x12“)
- Hats
- Ear Plugs
- Sunglasses
- Fanny packs
- Makeup
- Hand Sanitizer
- Chapstick and lip balm
- Lotion sunblock
- Sealed Tampons
- Eye drops
- Wet Wipes
- Cigarette Packs – SEALED
- Lighters
- E-cig/Tobacco Vapes and Mods
- Cameras (anything but pro equipment – GoPros OK)
- Disposable cameras
- Mobile Phones and Chargers
- Walkie Talkies
- Festival Totems
- Kandi
- LED Lights
- Flow arts like hula hooping, poi, gloving, orbiting
- Costumes are encouraged!
- *Do not leave valuable items in your tent. Instead, lock them in your car. The venue/promoter are not responsible for any materials misplaced, lost or stolen.
Festival Grounds – Prohibited Items
- NO illegal substances or paraphernalia
- NO Alcohol from outside allowed to be brought into the festival grounds. See Alcohol FAQ for info about alcohol in the campgrounds.
- NO Open containers of any kind (empty reusable water bottles & empty Camelbaks OKAY)
- NO Glass of any kind
- NO Weapons
- NO Knives (including cooking and steak knives)
- NO Pepper Spray or Mace
- NO Tanks of compressed air, helium, nitrous, etc.
- NO Aerosol products/cans
- NO Fireworks or any kind of explosives
- NO Open Flames or Charcoal/Grill
- NO Tiki Torches
- NO Sky Lanterns
- NO Animals of any kind (if a service animal is required, please email info@lostlandsfestival.com)
- NO Professional cameras/GoPro attachments
- NO Tripods
- NO Binoculars
- NO Laser Pointers
- NO Drones
- NO Large speaker systems
- NO Frozen water bottles
- NO Spiked accessories
- NO Large wallet chains or other chain accessories
- NO Large metal key chains
- NO Stuffed animals
- NO Large purses or bags (Max 12×12)
- NO Stickers
- NO Fliers
- NO Beach Balls
- NO Markers, pens, spray paint
- NO Paint markers
- NO Strollers/Skateboards/bicycles
Totem Regulations
- Max height including pole 7 feet
- Poles must be less than 1-inch diameter
- No wood or metal (use something light like PVC)
- Nothing that can poke, stab or fall causing injury
- Please do not bring oversized totem head decorations (we all want to be able to see the show)
- NO inflatable totems
- NO hate speech, negativity or illegal activities – security reserves the right to deny totems they deem unacceptable
Lost Lands Camping Rules:
Campgrounds – Prohibited Items
- NO Illegal substances or paraphernalia
- NO Liquor. Beer and boxed wine permitted. See Alcohol FAQ for more info about alcohol in the campgrounds.
- NO Glass of any kind
- NO Weapons
- NO Knives (including cooking and steak knives)
- NO Pepper Spray or Mace
- NO Generators
- NO Tanks of compressed air, helium, nitrous, etc.
- NO Aerosol products/cans
- NO Fireworks or any kind of explosives
- NO full sized propane grill, charcoal or fires of any kind (small propane grill ok)
- NO Tiki Torches
- NO Sky Lanterns
- NO Animals of any kind (if a service animal is required, please email info@lostlandsfestival.com)
- NO Binoculars
- NO Laser Pointers
- NO Drones
- NO Golf carts, dune buggies, Segways, off-road motorcycles
- NO Large speaker systems
- NO Spiked accessories
- NO Large wallet chains or other chain accessories
- NO Large metal key chains
- NO Stuffed animals
- NO Spray paint
- NO Paint markers
- NO Stickers
- NO Fliers
- NO Strollers/Skateboards/bicycles
Camping Rules & Regulations
- Each camper must have a festival ticket.
- Violation of any campground rule or policy may also lead to fines/and removal from campgrounds.
- Unauthorized vending of food or merchandise, including alcohol, is prohibited.
- There is a zero-tolerance policy for drugs and drug paraphernalia
- Each camper and their vehicle will be subject to search upon entry to the campsite.
- Quiet time will be enforced from 2am to 8am each night.
- Please obey all of the “No Trespassing” signs
- Each patron must be 21 to drink within the camping area. If you enter the campground with beer or wine, your government issued ID will be checked to verify you are 21 years of age. Carry your government-issued identification AT ALL TIMES.
- Animals are not allowed in the campgrounds or within the festival. Please seek accommodations for your pets in a local kennel or with caretakers during your time at Lost Lands. You will not be permitted onto the campgrounds with a dog.
- Please don’t turn your vehicle into a giant advertisement. Any vehicle with sponsorships or ads will be turned away at the entrance.
- Any prohibited items that are confiscated at any time of entry or throughout the duration of the event will NOT be returned. Please don’t bring prohibited items.
- Campers are expected to behave in a manner that is courteous to other campers and event staff members. These are your neighbors for the next three days, so please do your best to respect each other.
- All campers must be 18 years of age or older with proof of government-issued ID.
- Each camper must have a festival and camping ticket.
Please Note: You are not able to move your actual car from the campgrounds during the event unless you are leaving the festival for the entire weekend – there is no ins and outs of vehicles from the campground area. Once your vehicle leaves the campground area it cannot come back in. For safety reasons, cars cannot leave the campgrounds between 7pm and 7am each night.
Camping Code of Conduct:
Lost Lands is committed to creating a safe, memorable, and comfortable experience for our guests. In order to provide an environment where guests can enjoy the festival, we have instituted a LOST LANDS CAMPING CODE OF CONDUCT inside the festival grounds and camping area.
The following actions can result in a warning and/or ejection of camping party:
- Irresponsible use of alcohol.
- Public nudity, lewd behavior.
- Accessing restricted areas without proper passes.
- Taunting, bullying, abusive, disruptive language and or obscene gestures.
- Moving RV or vehicle to another location after placement by festival staff.
- Parking or extending any part of RV or tent in fire lanes or outside designated marked area.
- Littering
- Refusing to quiet music during enforced quiet hours.
- Failing to cooperate/comply with campground safety officers.
The following actions will result in immediate ejection:
- Relieving your bladder or bowels anywhere other than approved restrooms/port-a-potties. Please remember you’re in a shared space.
- Fighting or engaging in any action that may harm, endanger, threaten or bring discomfort to anyone.
- Engaging in sexual behavior in public.
- Possession/use of illegal drugs.
- Damage, destruction, vandalism or theft of any property.
If a guest participating in this behavior is uncooperative or a persistent offender, he/she will be removed from the festival site. In certain situations, the offender may be arrested.