Get ready to book your 2018 Holy Ship! experience!
Holy Ship! dates have finally arrived, Shipfam. Those looking to sail for four days can choose Holy Ship! 10.0 from January 6-10, 2018, while those looking for a shorter three-day cruise can choose Holy Ship! 11.0 from January 10-13, 2018. 10.0 attendees will depart from Port Canaveral before spending days 2 and 3 at Great Stirrup Cay and day 4 at sea, while attendees of the 11.0 edition will spend only one day at Great Stirrup Cay. If you can secure spots for both trips, you can go back-to-back aboard the Norwegian Epic! Remember to book the same room for both sailings if you can to make the transition easier.
Holy Ship! is a unique vacation where you get to enjoy music while at sea. If you choose to go ashore at Great Stirrup Cay, the Holy Ship! private island party awaits you with unique beach sets from your favorite artists. At night on the ship, take part in theme nights to see everyone in their most creative costumes. Other events taking place onboard the ship will include autograph signings, cruise games, and workshops hosted by various Holy Ship! artists. Here’s hoping DJ Gina Turner comes back to teach some yoga! There is never a shortage of things to do onboard.

2018 Booking Info
Returning Cruiser Cabin Selection
All ShipFam will receive a Token to book during the Returning Cruiser Cabin Selection period on May 22 – 26, 2017. Tokens will be sent out in a separate email.
Token Information
- Tokens are only given to previous Shippers! Returning ShipFam DO NOT need to opt-in for the Lottery.
- Your Token becomes active at a designated date and time based on your trip history. For example, people who have sailed several times will get an earlier time to register for their cabin.
- At the designated time and date, your Token will allow you to access the reservation system through your Cloud 9 account.
- You can use your Token to book ONE cabin on EITHER Holy Ship! 10.0 or 11.0.
Never Been On Holy Ship! Before?
If any cabins remain after returning cruisers book, there will be a Public On Sale beginning at 12 pm Eastern Time on June 2nd. New cruisers must opt-in for the Holy Ship! 2018 Lottery in order to be eligible to book. Sign up for the Lottery here.
How The Lottery Works
- Lottery opt-in is now open and will remain open until 11:59 pm Eastern Time on May 26th.
- New cruisers MUST OPT-IN for the Lottery in order to be eligible to book Holy Ship! 2018.
- If you have been selected in the Holy Ship! 2018 Lottery, you will be contacted via email on May 31st with a Token code that will allow you to secure a cabin during the on sale.
- Only passengers who received a Lottery Token email are authorized to purchase a cabin for Holy Ship! Lottery Tokens will be assigned a designated booking time to be used on June 2nd.
- The Lottery Token system is set up to keep the on sale for Holy Ship! 2018 orderly. All booking times are determined by the order in which your Lottery opt-in is received.
- More Lottery Tokens will be allocated than cabins available. Receiving a Token through the Lottery does not guarantee you a spot on Holy Ship! 2018.
- No purchase is necessary unless you are selected from the lottery to purchase a cabin.
- You will need a Cloud 9 Account in order to opt-in for the lottery. Register for one HERE to start the process.
Cabin Selection Information and Deck Plan
• Check out all Norweigan Epic’s cabin options and deck plans to see what cabin best suits your needs such as rooms closest to the elevators, staircase, buffets, etc.
• Want to know more about what dining options are available to you? Check out Epic Dining.
Cabin Pricing
Cabin Pricing for select rooms will differ each sailing. When you book, a $250 deposit is required for each passenger in the cabin room selected. This means a double occupancy cabin requires a $500 deposit, a triple cabin requires $750, and a quad cabin requires a $1,000 deposit. Deposits must be paid with a credit card at the time of booking. You can use Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards. American Express is not accepted by Beats at Sea. There is an additional per-person fee added for port fees, gratuities, and taxes. The fee for Holy Ship 10.0 is $195 and the fee for Holy Ship! 11.0 is $150.
Holy Ship! 10.0 and 11.0 Prices:
Holy Ship! is like no other music cruise out there, so don’t miss out. Stay tuned for more details on the 10.0 and 11.0 lineups!
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Featured Photo Credit: Holy Ship!