Anyma officially released his collaboration with Massano and Nathan Nicholson, "Angel in the Dark," to help kick off his residency at The Sphere in Las...
Malóne delivers an epic year-end finale with the release of his debut EP, The B Sides, and a WHYNOTUS label takeover at Miami's Factory Town.
WELKER sat down with us to chat about growing up in Brazil, why he loves Los Angeles, his top moments from this year, and what's...
The Best of Insomniac Records: 2024 compilation features standout tunes from artists like Mau P, LF System, HYPERBEAM, Westend & Max Styler, Wade, AYYBO, Noizu,...
PROPER NYE/NYD is stacked top to bottom with global house and techno bookings, but we can't wait to tap into our feels on New Year's...
There's no better place to turn than Heartbreak House if your chains have been broken during cuffing season, and Wenzday is helping you get through...
Czech DJ and producer Holotrope delves into dark drum and bass with the Psychoactive EP, his debut on Darkshire Sound.
Above & Beyond, John Summit, Justice, and many more propelled the electronic scene to new heights with their cultural-shifting performances that were some of the...
Lane 8 curated tunes from Disclosure, salute, OCULA, ATTLAS, Sultan + Shepard, deadmau5, DJ Seinfeld, Ashibah, Jeremy Olander, and more for his Winter 2024 Mixtape.
K+Lab fuses hip-hop, bass, funk, and more on his newest sonic adventure, 'Muuve,' featuring Lyrics Born, The Mic Smith, Bryx, and EPUTTY.