SUB:MERGED EVENTS tapped Nostalgix for her Cleveland debut, but a broad lineup struggled to set the stage for smooth sailing at Anchors Away.
Late last month, SUBMERGED:EVENTS transformed popular social sports bar Mulberry’s into a rave warehouse stacked with local talents, like Avilys, Triiibe, Wolfdaddy, Lilly Chan, and more, for Anchors Away, with Nostalgix headlining the evening. Though “Gix Nation” showed up in full force, the event had a mixed bag of energy throughout the night.
Anchors Away boasted a two-stage setup at Mulberry’s, each offering a unique sound to cater to an eclectic crowd. Upstairs, an opened garage-style glass door allowed attendees to appreciate a picturesque view of downtown Cleveland. As local DJs gave hour-long performances ranging from classic uplifting trance to main room drum and bass, convenient access to a full bar allowed for a steady flow of curious ravers.
An outdoor deck offered comfortable seating and space for chatting with old friends and new or posing for countless selfies. On an unseasonably warm night in Cleveland, the pseudo-open-air setup was a fan favorite, but the basic speaker and subwoofer setup lacked the depth and clarity to mitigate sound bleed from the main stage.
At ground level, you’re submerged in an incredible light show surrounding the main stage. Moving heads were strategically placed above a large LED screen broadcasting creative visuals and the artists’ monikers. Though a gate was posted to separate the elevated stage from the crowd, ravers came directly from security and pushed their way to the front of the stage, often distracting the performer and disrupting groups of dancing fans.
SUB:MERGED EVENTS also proved they care about providing an inclusive experience for dance music lovers by paying close attention to “the little things.” Contrary to similar events, Anchors Away supplied well-lit parking areas close to the venue, fast-moving security lines, and moderate bar queues to help attendees feel safe and waste no time getting back to the dancefloor. Within the oversized venue, there was a certain charm in the social atmosphere which encapsulated the fun-loving spirit of the local scene.

Although the lineup showcased rising talent in the city, the event’s biggest challenge was the lack of musical flow between artists, which caused many in the crowd to wander.
As artists rotated through the night, it was clear which DJs ravers came to support. The beginning of each DJs set was consistently the time ravers meandered to browse the art selection at the Classy in Cleveland merch table.
It wasn’t that the DJs played poor sets — quite the opposite. Each DJ came out swinging, pushing their signature sound with an impeccable track selection. Backpacks were swaying and gabbers were, well, “gabbing” as they grooved to an array of house music and its many subgenres. Unfortunately, the transition between performances felt disjointed, and energy levels continuously fluctuated like a rollercoaster.
Despite the solid sound quality, not counting an overheated subwoofer that spanned a track or two as the clock struck midnight, the modest audience reminded you that you were standing on a volleyball slash basketball court. Early on, the reverb was distracting, and the crowd noticeably flocked to the downstairs concession stand turned premium bar. As expected, the sound improved as the crowd increased, but the venue’s high ceilings and wide open floor plan never allowed for the truly immersive sonic experience you’d want at an event like this.
To wrap up the party, Nostalgix did not disappoint.
As soon as she set foot on stage, Nostalgix’s infectious energy generated wide smiles and raised hands. I watched as the masses swarmed the front of the stage to catch a glimpse of her fiery orange tresses bouncing aggressively with the massive bass house drops. In true Nostalgix fashion, she remained at the venue after her closing set to snap photos with fans and shoot a couple of hoops with the crew.
With a refined creation of future lineups, SUB:MERGED EVENTS is in a position to be the cornerstone of Cleveland’s musical identity. Stay tuned for more to come from this blossoming promoter.