Camping festivals can be intimidating, but they don’t have to be! Check out our five tips on how to turn your camping trip into a glamping trip!
Ah, camping festivals. Depending on what kind of person you are, they can either be your dream come true or a total freaking nightmare. If you’re the latter type of person, you may have passed up an opportunity to see one of your favorite artists at a festival solely because there was camping involved. Trust me, we hear you. We need our Starbucks in the morning just as badly as anybody else and honestly, bugs are gross.
However, we are here to tell you that your days of fearing camping festivals are over! If you simply cannot fathom setting foot inside a festival without your hair curled and fake eyelashes applied but want to broaden your horizons and see what all the camping hype is all about, then look no further. We’ve put together five crucial tips that are sure to turn any fearful fashionista into a glamping queen!
Five Tips For How To Survive Camping Festivals And Look Good Doing It

#1: Multi-purpose makeup is your new BFF
Let’s be real, no one wants to bring along their massive makeup bag to a camping festival. Not only does it take up precious room in your already packed tent but you also pose the risk of your products melting in the sun. No thank you. The good news is, with summer fast-approaching, makeup enthusiasts everywhere are now into the “barely-there, dewey” look, which means that there are already about one hundred articles online outlining all of the best multi-purpose products.
Since you’re reading this article, we know you probably already have a few favorite beauty bloggers you follow and regularly check in on. Do a little research and stock up on products that will save you space and time. For example, highlighter can double as the perfect festival eyeshadow! Not only will lightening your makeup load cut your getting ready time in half (because who wants to spend more time in that hot tent/car than you have to) but your face will also thank you when there’s less makeup on your face to clog up your pores!

#2: Try your outfits on beforehand
This one may seem like a no-brainer, but one of the main concerns many people have with camping festivals is their lack of mirrors. We’ve all been there. Your hair is meticulously curled; your eye glitter and lipstick has been applied to perfection. All you have to do is throw on your outfit and you’ll be ready to head out the door.
You’ve yet to actually try on your ‘fit, but it’s no biggie because it looked super cute on that 5’9” model online, so why wouldn’t it look equally as awesome on you? You sneak one quick last-minute look at yourself in the mirror on your way out and … disaster strikes! You realize that you absolutely despise what you’re wearing and MUST change. What were you thinking?!
Thankfully, your bestie brought along some extra clothes for this exact reason, problem solved! But what if there had been no mirror to save the day and *GASP* you’d actually entered the festival wearing your hideous ensemble??
This problem is so easily avoided by just trying on your outfits beforehand. Don’t wait until the last-minute to figure out what you’re going to wear. This way, you’ll have ample time before heading to the festival to sufficiently check yourself out in the mirror to ensure that you look your absolute best. Then there will be no reason to seek any assurance from a full-length mirror because you’ll know ahead of time just how amazing you look!

#3: Get a blowout
As boujee as this may sound, getting a blow out before the festival can help quell some of your worst hair worries. Some people are blessed with magical, Disney princess-esque hair complete with frizz-resisting superpowers. Most of us are not. But that’s okay! If your beautiful locks require a bit more taming post-shower, get a blowout before you head out and bring along your two best friends: dry shampoo and conditioner. This mini travel kit from Drybar is a personal favorite of mine.
With this trick, you’ll be able to combat frizz, sweat, and the need to spend an hour post-shower on your hair. Also, a shower cap will allow you to shower off your body while still maintaining your fab ‘do!

#4 Bring on the face jewels!
If you’re still worried about applying your usual festival makeup in the outdoors rather than a bathroom, compensate with face jewels! We know that being able to spread your entire beauty arsenal across spacious hotel room countertops, underneath overlit mirrors can be essential to perfecting one’s festival look.
Rather than tackle that smokey eye you saw on Pinterest, we suggest spicing up your look with these super trendy body jewels. They’re sooo much easier than winged eyeliner and most of them come in pre-assembled looks and formations so all you have to do is peel, stick, and voila! Instant sparkly glam. Besides, flash tats are so last year.

#5 It’s okay to treat yo’ self!
Just because you’re camping, doesn’t mean you have to completely rough it. Bringing along some face wipes, a few sheet masks, and a travel-sized face towel can be a total game changer. Not only do face wipes literally fix everything – from when you need a quick refresher after sweating in the sun all day to when you accidentally spill your beer all over yourself – they’re a quick and easy way to rid your face of makeup if you absolutely cannot muster getting up to wash your face at night. Please, your skin and I are begging you, take off your makeup at the end of the night!
Sheet masks are a personal obsession of mine simply because they require nearly zero effort and I’m an extremely lazy person. Just take that face wipe of yours and once your face is wiped clean, stick one of these babies on and feel your face thank you. There are tons to choose from, but I suggest this one in particular because it’s super refreshing and will do wonders for your skin after you’ve spent the day dancing around in the sun.
If you’re super insistent upon washing your face at night (go you!) a travel-sized face towel like the one linked above will help you out. You could even bring along a jug of water and use it in lieu of a sink so you don’t have to make the trek to the gross camping ground bathrooms.
Hopefully, these tips have helped you realize that camping festivals aren’t all that scary. With the right tools and tricks, you may even mistake your campground for a Best Western Plus! Okay, okay, maybe just a Best Western.